Original UK Press Still for the 1986 George Lucas & Jim Henson English/U.S. Muppet adventure fantasy musical ("Jim Henson, George Lucas and David Bowie Take You Into a Dazzling World of Fantasy and Adventure."; "Where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems."; "A 'mazing tale of never-ending fantasy"
This original photograph or ‘publicity still’ was first issued to promote the film’s release. Captured on set during production, publicity stills were designed to be sent inside press kits to newspapers, magazines and cinemas.
Film Category : Action / Adventure
Actor / Actresses: David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, Steve Witmire, Karen Prell, Ron Mueck, Kevin Clash, Shari Weiser, Anthony Asburn, Brian Henson, Frankl Oz, Toby Froud, Shelley Thompson, Christopher Malcolm, Natalie Finland, and Warwick Davis
Poster Type: UK Press Stills, 10 x 8"
Condition: Fine condition
Year: 1986