The Song Remains The Same
Original British Press photos / stills (x7) for the 1976 Peter Clifton & Joe Massot English/U.S. rock 'n' roll musical concert documentary (held at Madison Square Garden) featuring Led Zeppelin.
These original photographs or ‘publicity stills’ was first issued to promote the film’s release. Captured on set during production, publicity stills were designed to be sent inside press kits to newspapers, magazines and cinemas.
Film Category: Musical
Actor / Actresses: John Bonham, John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, and Peter Grant
Poster Type: UK Press Stills x 7 stills , 8" x 10"
Condition: Very Good Condition. The stills were printed without blank borders, but it does not appear that they were trimmed. There is a snipe taped to the back of each still, the tape has slightly marked the front of some photos
Year: 1976